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  • Yes, but now you have to get over the AIDS.

    Submitted by GrizzlyCat on Aug 29, 10 at 2:13pm
    • Ok, if you people think you're being clever with your little insults like this one, think again. Open up a book and learn about sexually transmitted diseases before you talk about them and say "Oh that whore is gonna get teh AIDS!!". Sigh. You don't get AIDS from someone, you get HIV which will eventually become AIDS.

      Submitted by omgwtfbbqlol on Sep 2, 10 at 10:04pm
  • thatwould just piss me off

    Submitted by ALovinHouseWife on Aug 29, 10 at 2:20pm
  • This text should be titled "How to rip a man's balls out via SMS"

    Submitted by CheezeDetector on Aug 29, 10 at 2:47pm
  • Its a girl. A guy op would say something like: "...if I rawdogged a hootrat last night?"

    Submitted by hooah33 on Aug 29, 10 at 3:36pm
    • Thats a good one ... Dont believe I've ever heard someone say that ... Girl wouldn't get burned or anything, she be like: "I didnt get it, he said something about a dog and a rat and I'm like OMG WTF?" :D

      Submitted by CheezeDetector on Aug 29, 10 at 11:42pm

    Submitted by daccx1 on Aug 29, 10 at 2:18pm
  • You don't say that shit to someone, that's just plain rude.

    Submitted by blueyedgrl108 on Aug 29, 10 at 5:40pm
  • Wow, that's one way!!!!! And that's an FML

    Submitted by DQ2011 on Aug 29, 10 at 2:04pm
  • Why is everyone assuming the op is a girl?

    Submitted by sayyummmx on Aug 29, 10 at 3:20pm
  • Fuck you

    Submitted by hentailover on Aug 29, 10 at 4:12pm
  • Ouch

    Submitted by kphandsomerob on Aug 29, 10 at 6:52pm
  • That's a fucked up thing to say

    Submitted by giano on Aug 29, 10 at 6:44pm
  • I feel for her. Some guys just don't stop even when a girl says there will be no future between them. It's like a low level of stalker. I know people like this. It's sad.

    Submitted by ProductPlacemnt on Aug 29, 10 at 4:27pm
  • No it'll help me get off to you now.

    Submitted by TheRuleBook on Aug 29, 10 at 6:02pm
  • My area code... Kinda scared now though

    Submitted by Km4n on Aug 30, 10 at 12:29am
  • Yeh cuz now ur just a nasty irresponsible doosh

    Submitted by RaCk on Aug 30, 10 at 5:00pm
  • If that was a guy doing break up on me...I would definitely freak out and get myself check; since he'd probably did it before. And if I got something from him I cut his dick and balls off; and if I didn't, I just cut his balls off so he would infect the world with his offspring.

    Submitted by Reikage_Sanshi on Aug 30, 10 at 12:05am
  • This text is obviously to someone that is clinging on after a breakup. It sounds pretty effective to me.

    Submitted by zmal on Aug 30, 10 at 12:52am
  • What's a girl gotta do to get rid of her stalker ex? She didn't say she actually did it, she just asked if that would help.

    Submitted by truffleelf on Aug 30, 10 at 8:19am
  • The ops a bird - the spiteful slag. Hope her vag got pounded into mince and she's suffering.

    Submitted by wolseyend on Aug 29, 10 at 4:52pm
  • " as long as that helped you get over the fact I gave you ÁIDS then yes, yes it did"

    Submitted by danieltosh on Aug 30, 10 at 2:37am
  • I would shoot her

    Submitted by BitchSlapper on Aug 29, 10 at 10:29pm
  • No, I'd just be like FUCK YOU! \n\n(not literally, though"

    Submitted by FirstyWorld on Aug 30, 10 at 12:01am
  • NOPE

    Submitted by GOATSEE on Aug 29, 10 at 11:19pm
  • Hilarious!

    Submitted by EJS4 on Aug 29, 10 at 2:35pm
  • In my opinion, (i've been the clingy little bitch after my girl broke up with me before,) if this is to the guy then he'll probably get super jealous and wanna go fucking kill the guy she fucked.

    Submitted by anon888 on Oct 4, 10 at 6:10pm
  • So you get aids every time you have unprotected sex? I must have loads of it

    Submitted by Dogsmuggler on Aug 30, 10 at 10:22am
  • only if I was seeking for revenge hehehehe

    Submitted by bedollita18 on Aug 31, 10 at 12:16am
  • such a bitch

    Submitted by footballhero83 on Oct 14, 10 at 9:20pm