Same here, things I do make every one think I'm a pot head. \nSuch as walking into 1st period health class late with a half eatin bag of chips and a 2liter of soda
Sorry people didn't mean to come off so bitchy. My bad, it just really bothers me when people think that all people that smoke weed just sit around and do nothing with their lives. I was just making a point, not trying to be all high and mighty. :)
123go is an judgmental moron. I am a high functioning stoner. No anger management issues, I have friends, a job and I exercise. Before you judge others make sure you know what your talking about. And substance abuse my ass, MANY more people abuse legal things like alcohol and prescriptions. Smoke a blunt and maybe you won't be such a douche
yea you should probably smoke. i will make the marshmallows and TV way better in every way :D
Speaking from experience. Thanks hockey dork. True I am judgmental. But still accurate. Daily or even frequent intake of mind altering substances warps your sense of reality and slows emotional maturation. Period. You keep justifying that problem :D
People who smoke weed everyday are out of touch with reality and have a substance abuse problem. For example, thinking it's ok to support stoners by saying you have a high paying job and making fun of fat people (also known as anger management issues).
Weird, I smoke everyday. Yet I have a high paying job and work more than anyone I know. So I'm pretty sure the OP is a just a lazy pos. Maybe you should go for a run? I'm betting you are a fat ass.
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