Burn in hell you fucking douche bag, I've been on the receiving end of having a spouse cheat on me, I hope she finds out and takes all your money and all the shit you worked so hard for so you can realize how big of a dick move that is, fucking asshole
I love how people some on TFLN and complain on how bad the person is. Seriously. If you're wanting cotton-candy goodness, then don't come on here. I'm sure GivesMeHope is better for you prudes.
Little news for all you self-righteous fools: ALL men cheat, or would if they could - it's a biological instinct. It's normal. The societal prohibition against adultery is what is abnormal.
Probably posted by a guy. I'd never been so over-sexed in my life, and one of those relationships was virtually asexual. As they say about Vegas, some people just can't handle it.
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