so I woke up without pants, but my cardigan was still on and fully buttoned. curious.
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Awww, daddy loves his little girl...
If you are in a condtion to wake up pantless you are not in a condition to unbutton a cardigan
Cocaine's a hell of a drug
This was obviously a text from Daniel Tosh...
Mr. Rogers, the early years. . .
Pull over; No, it's a cardigan, but thanks for asking!
you, my friend, are a drunk hipster.
Curious case of Benjamin Cardigan
That's because your boobs are so small they weren't worth the time it would take to unbutton it. Had they been worth it, he would gave just ripped it off and not wasted time on the buttons either way.
Ha ha ha you wouldn't happen to be from London would you?
I' looks like someone else\nIs black. Well, in that case.....I'm a skinny white boy. Have fun being black, niggah...
OOimblackOO's your new account? You still suck.
haha. TFM.
Im black
That you, hentailover? You suck.
Story of my life.
It's probably cuz y'all didn't want to waste time with tits
It's ok, top is a waste of time when doing a quick fuck. Go get some plan b.
Yeah. My boobs suck too. Let's hear it for the a cups all across the world.
First forever. My pants are never on! THAT high
40mg and mr nice guy panic ... Has anyone tried this if so did u see stuff and trip like me some say no
@said8ed I got bored one day. Oops. But sure. This guy is totally me. I don't much like trolling anyways....
Who the hell buttons up cardigans all the way these days? What are you, your great grandma?
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