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  • She's celebrating not being a grandmother before she's 35. Oy.

    Submitted by gtfo_asshats on Oct 14, 10 at 11:24am
  • Abortion: avoiding sexual responsibly since the 70s.

    Submitted by cfreymarc on Oct 14, 10 at 4:16pm
  • not funny. what the fuck, moderators?

    Submitted by 122409 on Oct 14, 10 at 1:04pm
  • Wow: Anti-Abortionists = the American Taliban. Careful. They'll kill you if you disagree.

    Submitted by Lancaster on Oct 14, 10 at 5:12pm
  • The debate about abortion is never going to change. I accept that. But, I do not care if it is murder, nor do I care if it is not. What right does the government have to tell us what to do with out bodies? This is a free country, right?

    Submitted by blueyedgrl108 on Oct 14, 10 at 9:46pm
    • Your rights end when another person's begin...

      Submitted by yamaguchi on Oct 15, 10 at 2:21am
      • Oh yeah, that tiny thing in my stomach that barely has a heartbeat and would be completely unable to live outside my body should have more rights and considerations than me. Nice logic there.

        Submitted by pleasesurpriseme on Nov 9, 10 at 12:05pm
  • shes congratulating you for not making the same mistake she did

    Submitted by ur_a_towel on Oct 14, 10 at 6:41pm
  • who ever talks about abortion being murder should shutthe hell up. they've obviously never been in that situation

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 14, 10 at 3:57pm
  • Who the fuck does this?

    Submitted by reply_ on Oct 15, 10 at 4:05am
  • I'm not downing on abortion, but how did the mods think this was funny? It's pretty fucked up.

    Submitted by Nightshade on Oct 14, 10 at 7:13pm
  • U say abortion day like it is a common thing like Sunday. I am fine with abortions but u shouldn't use them as a substitute for birth control.

    Submitted by gatorman562 on Oct 15, 10 at 3:55am
  • This is a sad event. It should be a mourning day, unless your shopping for a mini casket.

    Submitted by inallseriousness on Oct 14, 10 at 3:09pm
  • Abortion is so sad, it's murder, no matter how you try to sugarcoat it..

    Submitted by Smartastic on Oct 14, 10 at 3:35pm
  • People get way to serious old people and weird people should stay off of here

    Submitted by anna1020 on Oct 14, 10 at 5:35pm
  • Abortion doesn't make you un-pregnant, just makes you the mother of a dead baby. Well done.

    Submitted by darcycheer on Oct 15, 10 at 8:15am
  • why are ppl still caught up on abortion..fuck it was legalized 40 years ago..lets move on ppl..besides all it takes is a wire hanger and a well placed kick to the stomach and abortion, yeah!!

    Submitted by sir_pihb_alot on Oct 14, 10 at 8:47pm
  • That's just freaking sickening! YAY I killed my baby today! Let's go shopping!!!! That's just gross, your mom taught you well I see......She should have gone shopping instead of giving birth to your pathetic ass!

    Submitted by bitterandalone on Jul 5, 11 at 3:12am
  • @Smartastic..\ninstead of bitching about how abortion is murder, why dont you prevent ACTUAL fucking murders.. you know.. of living people.

    Submitted by patronNunicornz on Oct 16, 10 at 4:28pm
  • @atrain044 shut the fuck up you god dam hippie retard get a life and stop bitching at people cuz they're not messing their lives with random babies

    Submitted by stargirl19980 on Oct 17, 10 at 1:40pm
  • That's pretty funny

    Submitted by RandomMagician on Nov 9, 11 at 10:55am
  • Wow can't handle the responsibility, way to kill a poor baby peice of shit keep the dicks out of your ass and maybe you won't have to murder again.

    Submitted by atrain044 on Oct 17, 10 at 2:33am
  • Like mother like daughter eh?

    Submitted by R2DeepThroat on Oct 15, 10 at 12:25am
  • So the person that posted this, did it solely on the fact that he/she wanted to get the most posts on this site. Way to fall in line you mindless sheep... Oh. Shit. I fell in line too.

    Submitted by bigmousncg on Oct 15, 10 at 10:50pm
  • abortion IS murder, no matter what, hope you enjoyed shopping for your child's death...

    Submitted by selenaaviles on Oct 14, 10 at 5:36pm
  • An abortion is like shopping, you are buying a product/service.

    Submitted by Michguy on Oct 14, 10 at 6:37pm
  • Thats great, you might even be able to have a abortion shopping day every month if you keep it up. (sarcasm)

    Submitted by ButterFLY21 on Oct 18, 10 at 4:49pm
  • I love you! Slutty girls FTW!

    Submitted by niceman on Oct 15, 10 at 7:35pm