Use any article of clothing you have... then seductively walk out in whatever clothing you didn't use to wipe your ass, or if you think she is into dirty sex, do the opposite and walk out in only the clothes you used to wipe your ass.
that happened to me once. she licked my muddy ass, puked my butt mudd into my mouth, then i puked onto her tits, then she squeezed butt mudd breast milk through a straw into my butt, then i shat that into a big slurpee cup that we shared.
1:43 -- yeah, "Cuh"... i'm surprised the retard can read.
Next time Start that shower and invite her in!!!
....or go with 3:07 here said and take the 2girls1cup route... funny thing was he had to research the vid to get the play-by-play. only reason i know is because i did the same... and couldn't stop masturbating. furiously masturbating...
I'm going with the sacrifice an article of clothing option. Preferably one sock for the initial attack, and use another with water just in case. You can buy socks, not a woman's respect.
ya but I was wearing nothing but my gym shorts and this was like a 1 night stand. Anyways. I used old tissue paper that was all nasty and stuck together that was already in the trash can. Haha. I still got laid!! So it turned out not to be an FML moment
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