There are Mexicans in this area code would have a better chance of hiring a Hudson bimbo.. you can take a ride inside then you dont have to worry about falling of the back.. YO!
what is wrong with you people screaming racism? have you been to NJ? theres mexican day laborers EVERYWHERE. at least now someone thought of a use for them in this economy!
and so is that mexican talking about "relax, i think its funny!" thats retarded. Out of context this text is def not funny and racists and o girl is trying to be white if she thinks its funny.
"Anonymous said...
wowwww relax you guys!
i'm mexican & i think it's funny
so hah.
May 15, 2009 7:07PM"
so who made you the spokesperson for all Mexicans?
just because you like it, it doesn't make it less offensive or racist.
it might be offensive and racist, but that doesn't stop it from being hilarious and it also doesn't mean I won't take that idea as my own the next time i am drunk
I would say this is less racist and more classist... I don't care what race they are, I really want to hire a poor person to give me piggy-back rides when I'm drunk!
alright seriously people if you're so concerned with everything being pc and spelled correctly, maybe you shouldn't be reading a website DESIGNED to be in drunk-speak saying offensive things. just a thought.
I think hiring anyone to give you a piggy back ride is pretty funny, especially if you've never met him before, and way more exciting than a cab. It's not like you'd have to do it.\n\nIs it racist that that's the first thing they thought of? Would it be funnier or less offensive if it was like, a banker?\n\nSorry, if there are any banker in the room....
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