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  • UConn!

    Submitted by seeya12 on Dec 8, 10 at 5:36pm
  • its a test. you cant just give him all the answers thats cheating

    Submitted by FiosTV on Dec 8, 10 at 3:46pm
  • My room. \nMy bed.\nMy shit\nWas immaculate when I left\nI locked my door\nBut Eric \nAnd his girl friend have been going in there to watch movies\nSo my room is fuxked \nAnd my mom is saying that I can't get mad. Cause bitching is going to get me no where. \nAnd that my dad will get mad if I complain\nBut seriously \nEric and his girlfriend are going to fuck in my bed\nAnd that's not even what I'm concerned about \nIt's the fact that \nMy pillows and blankets\nAnd everything will be messed

    Submitted by viktoria77 on Dec 19, 10 at 9:13pm
  • I do that....

    Submitted by XxEmoBitchxX on Dec 8, 10 at 4:49pm
  • I guess that would be the behavior of a party animal... But then of course, why wouldn't you or your friends lick it up yourself if you're setting standards?

    Submitted by taylortunetracy on Dec 8, 10 at 12:38pm