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  • No chance at getting her pregnant again. I'd call it a win.

    Submitted by FartsAtWork on Dec 10, 10 at 3:28pm
  • Fucking a pregnant guy is alot weirder than fucking a pregnant girl. Or fucking an entire petting zoo. That's weird too.

    Submitted by stantheman on Dec 10, 10 at 7:30pm
  • "I feel like my dick is this close to the baby's face!" - Seth Rogen

    Submitted by MrVulgaris on Dec 10, 10 at 4:24pm
  • At least not until ten years later when some random kid runs up to you and punches you in the forehead while screaming "HOW DO YOU LIKE IT ASSHOLE?!"

    Submitted by ttesroD on Dec 10, 10 at 7:23pm
    • Revenge for that black eye they were born with.. :D

      Submitted by said8ED on Dec 12, 10 at 12:46am
  • He must've wanted a threesome

    Submitted by ultragirl25 on Dec 10, 10 at 4:31pm
  • oh Ye of little faith, it can get much much weirder than that. people bang prego chicks all the time, its proof they like to fuck.

    Submitted by CapN_Winky on Dec 10, 10 at 3:47pm
  • I'm sorry, but I don't see anything 'weird' about fucking a preggo girl. Would you stop fucking your girlfriend/wife if she became pregnant? I sure hope not! Are you going to deny a woman sex for six months just because she has a pregnant belly?

    Submitted by monicamischief on Dec 10, 10 at 6:55pm
    • Its quite different to fuck your pregnant girlfriend or wife because its YOUR baby and theyre YOUR gf/wife. its weird cause hes hooking up with a preggo girl.

      Submitted by gr33nman on Dec 11, 10 at 7:54am
      • They feel nice when they're pregnant. Trust me.

        Submitted by said8ED on Dec 12, 10 at 12:50am
  • It's a big world, kid. There's waaaaay weirder than that. Trust me.

    Submitted by hvltn on Dec 12, 10 at 11:03pm
  • Doing a pregnant chick is like putting gas in a wrecked car

    Submitted by Fugg on Dec 10, 10 at 5:44pm
  • Actually under certain circumstances she could, but it's really rare for a woman to have those types of abnormalities.

    Submitted by mika64801 on Dec 11, 10 at 9:39am
  • holy crap stantheman is back

    Submitted by Young_Quake09 on Dec 11, 10 at 5:05am
  • Must have been that healthy glow about her

    Submitted by yourwifey on Dec 11, 10 at 1:07pm
  • Preggo chicks can be super sexy. I'd hit it.

    Submitted by dumsumbitch on Dec 11, 10 at 8:24am
  • I can think of a few things. . .

    Submitted by soko on Dec 11, 10 at 3:41am
  • Guess she was horny. Now would that be considered cheating?

    Submitted by Reikage_Sanshi on Dec 11, 10 at 12:32am
  • it can get way weirder.

    Submitted by RO19 on Dec 11, 10 at 6:58pm
  • Keep it classy, LSU.

    Submitted by anonymouslsu on Dec 10, 10 at 6:17pm
  • Pull out? Think again

    Submitted by loopy39 on Dec 11, 10 at 2:19am
  • Pregasaurs are freakin' hot. Would totally bang a chick right up to month 8.

    Submitted by technoir on Dec 11, 10 at 10:44am
  • Six months? WTF happened to the other three?

    Submitted by archer79 on Dec 10, 10 at 9:37pm
    • read the text carefully...then read what you said.

      Submitted by RyanM on Dec 11, 10 at 2:01pm
  • Apparently necrophilia is less weird than a pregnancy fetish?

    Submitted by DerKarismatisch on Sep 5, 12 at 1:19am
  • That's what I thought too, until I found out that she is only 15

    Submitted by Thepresident on Dec 10, 10 at 3:40pm