while i did say "poop12" was right in stating that some tomato sauce recipes do include vodka, i have to agree with you Hedgehog. it is amusing. it doesn't make someone a "bitch!" for not knowing it's a "legit sauce". but then, Hedgehog, you also have to consider that this person's alias is another word for feces. not saying i have the coolest alias; my name is dusty, i'm a fan of mgmt, they have a song called "pieces of what", which i was listening t
poop12 is right. many spaghetti sauces are made with vodka. but i suppose only people who like to and/or know how to cook would know that, so it's not as though one should be treated like they're stupid for now knowing that.... they should just be recognized as those who don't know their way around a kitchen. thank you, goodnight. :)
Submitted by
on Jan 13, 11 at 12:54pm
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