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  • Yep... Just add vodka;)

    Submitted by blite on Jan 2, 11 at 11:58am
  • I do it all the time.. U know.. Us underage kids u gotta find ways to have fun

    Submitted by lmote96 on Jan 2, 11 at 10:59am
  • I Dont think you'll get drunk because anything "sparkling" doesn't contain alcohol but if you drink enough you may feel get the hangover effect!!

    Submitted by Emmy88 on Jan 3, 11 at 3:58am
  • I did when I was having sex but I just drank a shit load of other drinks before that.

    Submitted by CantTalk on Jan 9, 11 at 4:53pm
  • Yah! Gettin' woozy on the fruit juice!

    Submitted by SuppaFresh0912 on Jan 2, 11 at 8:55pm
  • Well after thirty two botts in the last day and a half I'd say no :(

    Submitted by JVIaGiiC on Jan 5, 11 at 12:46am
  • No, you cant

    Submitted by lickmynuts on Jan 2, 11 at 10:59am
  • If you buy one now and save it for NYE, it should ferment (sp?) into a kind of weak wine...

    Submitted by colan08 on Jan 3, 11 at 10:54am