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  • Oh ok, good to know lmao

    Submitted by famlytree on Jan 13, 11 at 1:37am
  • At least she isn't the chick who got caught stealing a banana from the grocery store

    Submitted by IMApeeINyoCEREAL on Jan 9, 11 at 1:24am
  • WTF is a cheese plate??

    Submitted by famlytree on Jan 9, 11 at 8:53am
    •'s a plate...with cheese on it. Its scientific name is Cheese tray. In the wild they travel with a rare species called a Meat tray.

      Submitted by security24 on Jan 10, 11 at 1:54am
  • Well they cant take it with em where they're goin...;)

    Submitted by blite on Jan 8, 11 at 2:20pm