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  • Or he's lying and just hasn't had an outbreak yet.

    Submitted by mogmog on Jan 11, 11 at 5:47pm
  • Or he could actually have not caught anything...just saying

    Submitted by idontrememberyou on Jan 13, 11 at 12:14am
  • use condoms and keep the lights on. make sure everything looks rite

    Submitted by ilovewhores on Jan 11, 11 at 2:48pm
  • Or it's called double wrap, prevent the clap...

    Submitted by MyBawls on Jan 11, 11 at 9:47am
    • it's called friction between the two the leads to tearing--use one condom. But I guess that isn't as catchy.

      Submitted by homesickalien on Jan 11, 11 at 11:53pm
  • Some people are that good. Be a little picky.. even when you're wasted or there has been a drought and always wrap it up. What you consider a big number right now is gonna look tiny by the time you're 30, trust me lol!

    Submitted by DeadlyPixie on Jul 14, 11 at 5:08pm