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  • Just walk away. If something happens, the less you know the better.

    Submitted by JitsJitsJits89 on Jan 12, 11 at 3:48pm
  • That's how we play Baseball in Canada. The cops took away our bats and the Government took away our guns and our balls.

    Submitted by said8ED on Jan 12, 11 at 4:44pm
    • Don't worry, we're probably not far behind you on that one. If I were allowed by government law to speak ill of the current regime, I would probably say something like "I'll keep my guns, money and freedoms, and you can keep the change." Bumper sticker I saw once.

      Submitted by ttesroD on Jan 12, 11 at 6:33pm
  • ... Which were they throwing?

    Submitted by deniedaccess on Jan 13, 11 at 11:20am
  • bigass is a word?

    Submitted by stephariel920 on Jan 13, 11 at 12:54am
  • it could've been worse...they could've been playing ping pong with there ding dong

    Submitted by orangecrush24 on Jan 12, 11 at 9:48pm
  • This one is stupid

    Submitted by kentukentei on Jan 13, 11 at 6:38pm
  • Well if you're gonna throw them out anyways, you might as well have fun with it

    Submitted by taylortunetracy on Jan 12, 11 at 3:32pm
  • maybe they were playing live fruitninja.

    Submitted by Kels22 on Jan 13, 11 at 8:40pm
  • Hey, I'll have to try that!

    Submitted by daspazatron on Jan 15, 11 at 11:01am
  • Lol canada did they use the bigass knifes to take away your balls?

    Submitted by soccereagle97 on Jan 12, 11 at 5:14pm
  • I'm on deck!

    Submitted by defysh on Jul 6, 11 at 11:29pm
  • Real life fruit ninja.

    Submitted by hydroskunk on Mar 9, 11 at 12:45pm