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  • I wish people wouldn't allow texts that should be on, "out of context texts from last night" on here...

    Submitted by colan08 on Jan 25, 11 at 3:48pm
  • best case scenario u loose ur hands and can't send this crap in to tfln anymore.

    Submitted by breezysnatch on Jan 26, 11 at 3:10am
  • my bad... I'm a legitimate retard. I can't even drive a car. :(

    Submitted by breezysnatch on Jan 27, 11 at 2:24am
  • No for reals breezy, who cares about the typo? I am down with your post. =^]

    Submitted by colan08 on Jan 27, 11 at 11:04pm
  • Hoping for herpes and not HIV.

    Submitted by Michguy on Jan 25, 11 at 5:44pm
  • Amen breezysnatch! (and I dgaf about the typo.)

    Submitted by colan08 on Jan 27, 11 at 12:18am
  • Worst case scenario is that she continued to scream best case scenario.

    Submitted by AreYouShittinMe on Jan 25, 11 at 9:06pm