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  • This definitely happened in branford

    Submitted by Thepresident on Jan 28, 11 at 3:25pm
  • That's because there's higher acidity in rain/snow than tap water. Fun fact of the day.

    Submitted by FartsAtWork on Jan 28, 11 at 11:49am
    • You know, I always thought acid rain and global warming tasted similar...

      Submitted by MaryCuntrary on Jan 28, 11 at 11:51am
  • Using chilled bong water is amazing.. We put ice cubes in our gravity bong and it feels like you're swallowing mist

    Submitted by whatnow on Jan 28, 11 at 12:48pm
  • way to be CT

    Submitted by Zerocool947 on Jan 28, 11 at 2:12pm
  • No, putting vermouth in a bong is the worse. Trust me on this one.

    Submitted by LoveDumpster on Jan 28, 11 at 11:22am
  • Thats because theirs extremly high amounts of alluminium in rain....also ice in a bong causes bronchitis.

    Submitted by bankdis on Jan 28, 11 at 7:28pm