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  • Hypothermia and frostbite are not the same, but can mutually happen. Hypothermia is mo joke, you can easily die.

    Submitted by Michguy on Jan 28, 11 at 1:32pm
  • he didnt need those toes anyway.

    Submitted by bsmith on Jan 28, 11 at 11:41am
    • Apparently there are at least 24 idiots on this site because of the thumbs up they gave you. You lose fingers/toes from frostbit, not hypothermia. Idiots!

      Submitted by 04stx on Jan 29, 11 at 12:51am
      • And you don't think temperatures causing frostbite will also cause hypothermia? Idiot.

        Submitted by XxCrimsonxX on Jan 29, 11 at 8:27am
      • And you don't think temperatures causing frost bite will also cause hypothermia? Idiot.

        Submitted by XxCrimsonxX on Jan 29, 11 at 8:29am
        • If he had frost bite I'm sure the text would mention that. I think frostbite is more of a bitch than hypothermia. Just sayin'

          Submitted by 04stx on Jan 29, 11 at 2:50pm
  • Your fuckin stupid hypothermia kills

    Submitted by ak1337st on Jan 28, 11 at 4:25pm
  • Am I the only person that would have broken the damn door down? Let's see how funny you think it is when you have to replace the door asshole!

    Submitted by Chief1998 on Jan 28, 11 at 8:32pm
  • Poor Eric :(

    Submitted by cloudskip on Jan 28, 11 at 9:05pm
  • No, I think your name is nevaeh.

    Submitted by Solemnsky on Jan 29, 11 at 12:25am
  • I was locked out in the snow for 4 hours as a "joke", wet shoes. Everyone went to bed. Shivered and had trouble breathing for an hour and a half under covers. Painful. Held back asking to go to hospital, but was horrible. 2 weeks ago. Also, my name is Eric.

    Submitted by N3v43h on Jan 28, 11 at 2:33pm
  • So do gunshots but it doesn't mean they'll die everytime

    Submitted by jondime23 on Jan 28, 11 at 7:01pm