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  • Please tell me you drew up plans for the flux capacitor after hitting your head on the toilet?

    Submitted by Stu1701 on Feb 4, 11 at 3:00pm
  • See, this is a legit way to get Hep C. Not licking a window.

    Submitted by ChipDouglas on Feb 4, 11 at 5:17pm
  • Lift the seat or just stop drinking from the toilet

    Submitted by said8ED on Feb 4, 11 at 2:24pm
  • You're one step closer to being a dog.

    Submitted by officespace on Feb 4, 11 at 2:29pm
  • You're a proud soldier! Thank you

    Submitted by bryan3928 on Feb 5, 11 at 6:40am