Vodka @ 9pm. Library. Nothing can go wrong, I promise.
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Things going wrong are the fun part...ever seen multiple book shelves fall domino style?
9 AM is more fun. =]
Lego, people like you don't belong on TFLN. It's basically implied that none of these texts are examples for what you should do. If you aren't here to enjoy them, keep your comments to yourself.
Anyone who says this is a bad night is dumb. Vodka makes everything better, even libraries!!!
famous last words
Anyone who said this was a good night is dumb. You should be studying not drinking
Anyone who says this is a good night is dumb. The library is for studying not drinking!!!
Steeldude: my sentiments exactly.
Ha it's funny cause stuff will go wrong.
I have had this night and things went wrong. Very wrong.
goodluck.. im starting to think youre just saying these things to make people mad. haha its quite funny.
ive heard that before....
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