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  • theres gotta be a reason he left with her and not you.. bitch

    Submitted by schlop on Apr 16, 10 at 1:31am
  • sounds like something i'd do. only i'd yell "have fun with that fucking whore" as they left. did i mention i'm classy?

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 26, 09 at 8:23pm
  • ]dont hate on this girl. she just had the balls to say it! which makes her hilarious.

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 19, 09 at 7:15pm

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 24, 09 at 6:31am
  • Because being a bitter bitch makes you a better person? Get over yourself

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 19, 09 at 10:15pm
  • way to tell it like it is philly.

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 19, 09 at 9:57pm
  • Nice burn! You others can SUCK IT! LOL

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 19, 09 at 3:20pm
  • Jealousy isnt attractive.

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 22, 09 at 10:22am
  • haha i hope the dealbreaker is a reference to 30 Rock.. Yeah Liz Lemon but i love the text... you've got balls

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 24, 09 at 11:15am
  • hysterical. i need to be more like you. ballsy.

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 20, 09 at 3:06am
  • "Census" almost works but I think she means "the consensus is..." Yes, I am a nerd.

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 21, 09 at 2:31pm
  • And that text says the girl the person went home with is probably less pathetic.

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 19, 09 at 1:31pm
  • soooo legit... and funny.. awwwesome

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 24, 09 at 3:18pm
  • daangg giirll. props to you for telling whoever whats up. maaaaddd respectt. shut up fucking haters. youre my hero girll :)

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 20, 09 at 2:58am
  • Census said he jizzed on her face on the ride away from whereever you were before this text even got to him

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 20, 09 at 11:20am
  • Don't be so sure of yourself sweetheart. He probably left with that girl because she wasn't throwing herself allover him

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 30, 09 at 3:39am
  • we'd get along quite well.

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 20, 09 at 3:32am
  • Survey says, maybe? Hotter? Sure. Current on Family Fued? Nope. Dealbreaker.

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 23, 09 at 10:42pm
  • bitter? sure. honest? very. no ones perfect but i vote the humor overshadows the motive. imagine the look on the guys face.

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 21, 09 at 3:29am
  • righhhhhht... sure you're hotter, especially when you had to ask all your friends at the table. "Ugh wtf... I am hotter than that new bitch he is with right girls????" "oh ya! wayyyy hotter girl!!!" *rolling their eyes at her yet again*

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 21, 09 at 1:27pm
  • No wonder he didnt leave with you- straight up INSECURE BITCH

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 24, 09 at 6:33am
  • someone is quite bitter.....

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 20, 09 at 9:50am
  • jealousy may not be attractive but its better than fuming in the bg. at least this'll make him think about it and realise that he missed out! i think we'd get along well... being quite bitter and spiteful myself :P

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 15, 09 at 6:44pm