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  • Why, as a male, do you know what a duvet is? I had to Google that shit.

    Submitted by ffac789 on Feb 23, 11 at 1:07pm
  • Is knowledge of what a duvet is essential to our survival? In the hunter-gather sense of the word.

    Submitted by darwian on Feb 23, 11 at 2:03pm
  • ffav789.... As a male that actually has sex with women, I know what a duvet is... I know a lot of shit cuz bitches like it... Here's your tip of the day... "learn some shit! And maybe... Just maybe... You might be able to get it in before you turn 50" good luck

    Submitted by cuntcork on Feb 23, 11 at 5:39pm
  • If not the whole idea then maybe just part of it?

    Submitted by rickscottisfired on Feb 23, 11 at 3:06pm
  • Yes, your plan to pimp yourself out really has taken a strange turn.

    Submitted by rayweeboy on Feb 23, 11 at 2:04pm
  • Why, as a guy, do you know what a duvet is? I had to google that shit.

    Submitted by ffac789 on Feb 23, 11 at 1:05pm
    • Strange, the post wasn't up before. Oh well, DOUBLE POST FTW!

      Submitted by ffac789 on Feb 23, 11 at 1:08pm
  • Na, go ahead. Plant the seed, at least the option will be out there.

    Submitted by captainC on Feb 23, 11 at 1:02pm
  • What if the OP's a girl?

    Submitted by sunshine1114 on Feb 25, 11 at 12:39am