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  • I already figured this out, hon. I'm pretty hard to shock. Love, Mom (and thanx for the enV)

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 24, 09 at 12:34am
  • been there lol very awkward... =/

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 19, 09 at 3:56pm
  • oh man, i've definitely been there

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 19, 09 at 12:17pm
  • to12:28PM, more like if GUY - awesome if girl - opposite of awesome

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 19, 09 at 8:40pm
  • Lucky boyfriends! I wish I could find a girl who was even willing to let that scenario be an option...she doesn't even have to give her mom her old phone.

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 19, 09 at 7:02pm
  • hahaha... I'm evil, I forward those txts to my mom :)

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 19, 09 at 8:21pm
  • that's ridiculous. if i was that person... oh god, i'd probably cry.

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 19, 09 at 7:40pm
  • AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH HAHAHAHAHA I would love to have seen her face when she read it and then yours when she confronted you!!!

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 19, 09 at 12:55pm
  • this shit is lame

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 17, 10 at 5:36pm
  • my mom had my phone when i had video of butt sex with my gf and she found it fuck! hahaha

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 13, 09 at 5:53am
  • By a girl. texts were between me and my male roomie. Ohhh.

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 20, 09 at 6:21pm
  • if girl - awesome if guy - opposite of awesome

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 19, 09 at 12:28pm
  • Dude don't you know butt sex rips your tissue...therefore your shit would slide right out your ass. iloveyou.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 4, 10 at 12:25am
  • No seriously if it happened to you, you'd laugh

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 23, 10 at 7:14am
  • I hope it was the mother who submitted this!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 7, 09 at 4:57pm