They both invited me to family dinner Sunday. Secretly dating two sisters just got real.
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But it's so simple... You now have until sunday to start fucking their mom. Rookie.
My new hero.
So fucking true.
you honestly believe SISTERS haven't talked to each other about who they are dating?! I call bullshit.
or they know and want to see how you punk out
Are You that stupid to believe they don't know what's up? You're getting set up dude. I bet their dad will be waiting for you with a shotgun and shovel. Best of luck to ya, dumbass.
No wait I saw this on an episode of Friends. Just go with it and be non-specific. Hilarity with ensue.
To borrow from our friend manlaw...This is obviously fake! No one actually thinks Friends is funny.
Exactly why don't they have thumbs down on comments?
...they do...
cross your fingers and hope they're into the idea of a threesome
Could you please pass the poon?!
Yeah, dude. You're either getting punked or you're lying. Either way, you're retarded.
see if you can swing the mom too
I say go, just make sure you tell a friend 'Hey, if I don't call you by 7:00, call the police'
well this can go one of two already have a prior commitment or you hope for the best and go with it...
Dumb slut. Keep your pants zipped--no woman wants to date a cheap whore.
Nice one dumb *** I'd like to see how u get out of this one good luck :P
Dead man walkin
Hahaha that's epic
To fat50: what if this guy is in a wheelchair? You're a dick.
This is obviously fake, CIT already explained why!
Break up with one before the dinner, fuck the other and move back to the one you dumped... Simple.
for every one gone two come along!!!!
Umm hello! they are dumb enough to date you soooo you suddenly having a "twin" totally believable!
Yeah, "just got real messy."
Ha OBVIOUSLY ur an idiot, be a man and pick the easier one!
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