Is it mean that I just sent him a pic of my tits with the header, "say bye bye?"
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can't wait to get that Forward!
Now everyone's going to see them. You're an idiot.
Is it mean that I'm putting that pic online?
what if your tits aren't that great?
no hes just gonna put the pics on the internet
He's going to make you famous
Yes. But it'd be worse it you keep sending pictures as reminders.
Ummm, can I get the one with the header "say hello"?
Maybe...but he'll just post it on one of those Ex-boyfriend Revenge websites.
That will become a forward any time now.
More like conceited.
Hahahahahaha 10 bucks says this becomes one of those "forward to ten people or ^this will happen to you" forwards
Nah... Though fun for torturing...
yeah you clearly didn't think this one through even if he doesn't put ur titts online, he can still look at them which defeats the whole purpose of text. he just needs to decide if the rest of the world can look at them too so happy texting dumbass!
Clearly you did not think this through. It is so going on the internet
You dumbass......
That probably wasn't a good idea.
Oh so classic! Haha...did the same thing once, but in person!
Hello, porn star!!! Tits, tits, tits!!!!!
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