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  • thanks for not hitting me

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 22, 09 at 4:30pm
  • Mk to start I'm from l.a so no you didn't see that just think ur cool makin up bs to get comments

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 4, 10 at 9:15pm
  • Having witnessed a sunrise in the bayou, picked satsumas during season, enjoyed oysters and crawfish at their peak of season and sipped on fresh strawberry coctails from Ponchatula I can assure you there is more to La. than Nawlins dawlin but I can assure you that New Orleans is still the crown jewel. How sad is the person who only sees one aspect of a culture. You are a typical pathetic human clearly stunted in your global growth

    Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 15, 09 at 10:19pm
  • tiger stadium fuckers

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 5, 09 at 12:42am
  • oh i didn't finish what i was saying above...and i'm from friggin' LOS ANGELES, CA, one of the capitals of FUN so if i say it's fun i should know what i'm talking about :-P

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 25, 09 at 8:04pm
  • New Orleans is the shit, it doesnt count as part of Louisiana...

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 21, 09 at 10:06am
  • Louisiana rocks all other states suck and if I ever find you guys I'll make you fuckers humble

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 21, 09 at 9:32am
  • Should have taken a picture of that crap! At least we have the best food in the world down here!

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 22, 09 at 7:13pm
  • ive lived in a few states, Louisiana is where i like to call home.

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 26, 09 at 4:11am
  • most of louisiana sucks but where i live is awesome.

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 21, 09 at 1:11pm
  • national champs bitches

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 5, 09 at 2:00am
  • I'm from Louisiana and we hate you too. I now live in las vegas and have traveled the world over. Louisiana is by far one of the best places on earth. If you don't agree, drive around it asshole.

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 25, 09 at 9:56pm
  • could definitely see it happening in jersey or miami also

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 21, 09 at 11:54am
  • Fuck I ment to say not it's late dammit

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 18, 09 at 11:46pm
  • don't like it leave it.i've seen no post begging you to stay

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 16, 09 at 4:17pm
  • Louisiana is the shit... yall just stupid and from texas...

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 20, 09 at 11:08am
  • Hey! A person a few comments down was like strawberries from ponchatoula that's where I live! ! Haha no way!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 23, 10 at 12:39am
  • Louisiana has the best food - PERIOD!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 4, 09 at 12:42am
  • Please leave, Louisiana called , not too crazy about you as well. Maybe you could try New York or New Jersey cause you sorta sound like a stuck up yankee

    Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 15, 09 at 5:28pm
  • im from the semi normal part of Louisiana an the food is pretty amazing

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 29, 09 at 10:32am
  • Believe me I wasn't trying to stay

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 27, 09 at 9:31pm
  • I'm from Louisiana. I will refrain from saying ya'll and sounding like a hick. But Louisiana does suck, or at least 360 days out of 365. (You have to account for Mardi Gras.) You should have hit him.

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 20, 09 at 12:17pm
  • Louisiana hates you too! Get out! And hit the guy next time....he's worth at least 10 points!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 13, 09 at 2:11pm
  • I hate Louisiana too. Shoulda hit him.

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 20, 09 at 9:30am
  • WOW anyone who thinks louisiana is awesome is off there rocket. this place is the epitomy of hell. the people are fucked up (no offense) and the roads souldnt even be considered roads. Leaving your house out night watch out WRONG TURN much???

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 7, 09 at 6:29pm
  • im from Louisiana, i have to say, parts of it are worth nuking...i mean like a scene from Deliverance, but parts of it are unlike anywhere else (in a good way) and are totally civilized and fun...and yes MARDI GRAS IS THE SHIT P.S. i dont care where you are, if a guy is scooting across the road, both feet and hands handcuffed, you probably should have hit him....but you could totally get away with it here. :)

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 20, 09 at 1:51pm
  • Stop getting your panties in a bunch. I'm sure you can just press the back button and stop being so insulted.

    Submitted by CannonPop on Jun 1, 10 at 5:32am
  • I also live in Louisiana and though I'm planning to move I do admit it's a nice place to live....uh, shit Im being somewhat modest. Visit us sure but maybe it's nit the best place to stay. But every state has it's flaws so back off her, alright?

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 18, 09 at 11:44pm
  • Damn Yankees- If your from the dirty south then you know Louisiana is the best. If you would have hit the guy then that would be one less person my taxes would pay for, so thanks for not helping me out.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 31, 09 at 3:25pm
  • Then next time stay in Texass.

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 20, 09 at 9:48am
  • haha..gotta love the South

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 20, 09 at 6:12pm
  • the only city in louisiana worth going to is new orleans. fuck the rest of it.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 10, 09 at 10:56am
  • on second thought southeast, secede, and take texas with you.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 8, 09 at 4:58am
  • that is something that would only happen in louisiana..

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 20, 09 at 3:28pm
  • Plus were kickin ass Sunday so fuck off

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 4, 10 at 9:17pm
  • was he wear a orange jumpsuit...... Bitch that's a paycheck... catch him next time.

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 22, 09 at 3:34pm
  • dude i've been to new orleans and even though it is HOT AS HEEEEELLL out there it's also really fun if you know where to go :-D and i was not there during mardi gras :-P

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 25, 09 at 8:02pm
  • Hey im from louisiana and i cant say iv ever seen something like that =] i mean we have our losers but for the most part we have a lot of hotties... =]]

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 25, 09 at 5:44pm
  • this is one of the reasons i LOVE louisiana

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 3, 09 at 10:32am
  • louisiana DOES suck, take your damned katrina evacuees back, they are fucking up our city!!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 4, 09 at 1:16pm
  • Technically Mardi Gras is only one day... Mardi Gras season all together is about a month. Just an FYI :-)

    Submitted by Ceniece on Jun 7, 10 at 11:36pm
  • fuck all yall, louisiana is pretty much the best state ever. our food and partying kicks your asses.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 3, 09 at 11:13am
  • Lolz I live in La. its ok, but its hot and steamy and we don't have much to do except for in Lafayette and NoLa.

    Submitted by clownlover666 on Feb 2, 10 at 12:15am
  • lousyana.. its real hard to see at night around here.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 18, 09 at 4:12pm
  • 12:17 you obviously are not from Louisiana...Mardi Gras officially last 3 days! fuckin dumb ass!!!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 6, 09 at 4:52am
  • Move to New Orleans. Sure, our levees are for shit, we have a corrupt city government and sometimes people have a habit of killing each other at a high rate...wait, where was I going with this?

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 22, 09 at 12:28am
  • WTF that's awesome! I'da picked him up, or at least stopped!

    Submitted by WildFeathers on Feb 5, 10 at 8:05pm
  • i dont understand how other places can live without seasoning, at least fucking pepper. take that TONYS where ever you go. give food some flavor

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 15, 09 at 11:32pm