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  • You spelled it wrong, it's "douche"-code.

    Submitted by colan08 on Mar 28, 11 at 11:08am
  • Not really impressive. Man up and break up if that's how you want to be.

    Submitted by Michguy on Mar 28, 11 at 11:11am
  • My only judge is that you are jazzed by the size of the tip. Kind of low balled ya

    Submitted by scarab on Mar 28, 11 at 11:59am
  • why do people comment on here and act disappointed at the level of morality that others have? isn't that one of the main points of this site?

    Submitted by mrsomething on Mar 28, 11 at 11:55am
    • If I remember correctly, in the good 'ole days this site used to have more texts that were just funny in general than the same cheater/slut/coke/weed/booze-related ones over and over.

      Submitted by Taipan on Mar 28, 11 at 6:04pm
  • Yep, and she's probably fucking that guy right now. Joke's on you asshole.

    Submitted by jrenee03 on Mar 28, 11 at 12:16pm
    • How is the joke is on the OP? He just did the distracting. None of what happens after with that situation affects him at all.

      Submitted by TH3N355 on Mar 28, 11 at 2:16pm
      • I meant the dudes girlfriend is probably fucking the guy he tipped to keep her distracted.

        Submitted by jrenee03 on Mar 28, 11 at 3:58pm
        • But the OP is the one who got tipped... what?

          Submitted by chicc on Dec 20, 11 at 8:43pm
  • Hahaha well played..

    Submitted by studmuffin2120 on Mar 28, 11 at 1:42pm
  • I second what colan08 said. Both of you are douchers.

    Submitted by Jkemp1 on Mar 28, 11 at 12:13pm
  • You only got 5 bucks for that? You got fucked too!

    Submitted by shan1628 on Mar 28, 11 at 11:35pm
  • You got the five dollars and the girlfriends number

    Submitted by sirj10 on Mar 29, 11 at 12:32am
  • Oh if only you people were smarter... I would have collected on shipping and handling (for a safe return of his gf) and a finders fee

    Submitted by Spartan_Prick on Apr 18, 11 at 6:23pm
  • @taipan. things change people get bored easily. I just cant imagine it being fun looking at a site you used to love that's now posting stuff you aren't entertained by. why do you even visit the site? I think this shits hillarious. the mere shock value of people actually doing and saying these things on the site\nmakes it worth coming here to me.

    Submitted by mrsomething on Mar 30, 11 at 4:14am
  • Jkemp is a feminazi

    Submitted by burner21 on Mar 28, 11 at 1:04pm
  • Colan's jealous 0o0

    Submitted by bigjwin on May 19, 12 at 1:24pm
  • Wow all the nerds commenting on here with no sense of junior get a life. People

    Submitted by phrozenstare on Mar 29, 11 at 8:51pm
  • Douchebaggary at it's finest!

    Submitted by caelcaeldace on Apr 4, 11 at 2:57am
  • Class

    Submitted by projectcurtis on Mar 29, 11 at 10:11pm
  • nicely done

    Submitted by fourwolves07 on Mar 29, 11 at 6:24pm
  • I agree with colan08

    Submitted by bee222 on Mar 29, 11 at 12:55am