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  • Better than walking in on your dad blowing some guy.

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 20, 09 at 3:18pm
  • did she kiss you goodnight after?

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 18, 09 at 8:30pm
  • that same thing just happened to me 2 days ago.... i got to go to a movie and free dinner with my sister on a night with exams the next day. So it wasnt too bad, but i am still scarred for life.

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 28, 09 at 11:31pm
  • have you ever wondered if she ever did that before she kissed you goodnight when you were a kid lmao?

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 3, 09 at 11:07pm
  • Oh, I walked in on my parents having sex, talk about awkward...

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 11, 09 at 2:52am
  • that would be my area code...

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 14, 10 at 8:34pm
  • this is why our doors have locks

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 2, 09 at 11:58pm
  • that sucks. Literally! And yeah I just made a pun.

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 20, 09 at 12:08pm
  • Next time KNOCk!!! They've been telling you that for years. (Way to go Mom and Dad!)

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 20, 09 at 11:59am
  • Try hearing them having sex with the most god awful noises and bedsprings getting a workout.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 17, 09 at 9:10am
  • I hope to god this isn't my cousin.

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 20, 09 at 4:04pm
  • What is your FUCKING problem people if your parents have sex? It's sex. Haven't you watched porn? What's the big deal? Let them have fun and go to your room or whatever.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 7, 09 at 4:43am
  • WTF would you need help with....the reach around???

    Submitted by DDS on Feb 19, 10 at 3:36am
  • that is sick fucking sick!

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 26, 09 at 7:32pm
  • yeah the kissing you goodnight afterwards original. you're hilarious.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 24, 09 at 3:17pm
  • this is a lie.. stop sending pretend text messages

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 20, 09 at 1:17am
  • I'm so glad I moved away from the Wilkes-Barre area back to Minnesota. lol. I never met more fucked up weirdos in my life, living in PA.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 5, 09 at 10:27am
  • Oh like if you never done it!!!

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 21, 09 at 10:04am
  • My eyes would start bleeding if I EVER saw that! Therapy, therapy, therapy!

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 22, 09 at 2:23pm
  • i had this happen twice... the shit parents do in open areas of the house when the kids move out is fuct up

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 27, 09 at 9:54am
  • Oh my god, PA. This is Scranton, right?

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 21, 09 at 3:50am
  • Atleast it wasn't some other dude

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 10, 09 at 3:59am
  • In soviet Russia mom walk in on u blowing ur dad. 925nigggggga

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 4, 10 at 1:14am
  • I can see that happening in 570..

    Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 24, 09 at 3:05am
  • I was at a party, I ignored the call and that's the text i got. fake my ass, we had a family meeting about it. fucking awkward

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 22, 09 at 8:01am
  • Scarred for life....

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 24, 10 at 12:06am
  • Dads going through a mid-life chrisis and asked his wife to trade in the Lincoln for a Hummer...instead he got one..

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 23, 09 at 3:12pm
  • beautiful.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 15, 10 at 9:57pm
  • LMFAO seriously I'm going to die of laughter poisoning here and it'll be your damned fault!! Hahaha!! And.... AND.... Family meeting about it!! Hilarious!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 9, 09 at 10:20pm
  • 570 covers alot of ground

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 27, 09 at 2:23am
  • totally walked in on that. Perhaps that's why I am the maladjusted genius I am now? Who knew?

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 25, 09 at 5:29am
  • Been there but my moms a lesbian... So yeah

    Submitted by mizzcharmz on Sep 1, 12 at 5:02pm
  • Ugh that would suck.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 1, 10 at 10:42pm
  • better to have mommy give daddy the roundmouth treatment than him get it elsewhere, leading to a messy, painful divorce. consider yourself lucky

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 15, 09 at 3:24pm
  • ha! i walked in on my mom and dad when i was like 6. i still remember it. life changing lol!

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 21, 09 at 1:53pm
  • to above, yes, 570 is scranton but it also stretches down into williamsport and east to the poconos, lot of coverage there.

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 21, 09 at 8:08am
  • 9:16 that's hilarious

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 4, 09 at 11:20pm
  • I dont see why people say its fake? It's a fucking website. Why do they care..? Andwhy would you lie about that. That's probably something you really did not want to see anyway. OBVI. Assholes.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 22, 09 at 2:46pm
  • Please tell me you didn't join the party.

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 20, 09 at 4:00pm
  • BJs till the day i die

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 20, 09 at 2:45pm
  • Laughing my ass off

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 29, 09 at 9:02pm
  • At least it wasnt some stranger.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 14, 09 at 10:23pm
  • Dude ur scared for life.

    Submitted by superhero1482 on Mar 1, 10 at 8:04am
  • hhhhhhhhhhhhhaa

    Submitted by peterteamrowski on Jun 28, 10 at 11:57am
  • Are you sure it was your dad getting blown by your mom? It could've been the electrician, he came to re-wire the house, but he came instead, while your read dad was out earning a living.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 11, 09 at 10:06pm

    Submitted by Eleventytwo on Feb 28, 10 at 8:09am
  • Are you sure that's what she was doing? Lie to yourself and convince yourself she was looking for a contact that fell on the floor. Your dad was just getting dressed.....

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 28, 09 at 1:43pm