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  • No but I do know how stupid it is

    Submitted by tatteredtorn on Apr 13, 11 at 4:09pm
  • Dude I do that every Tuesday

    Submitted by Starry_Eyed_43 on Apr 13, 11 at 8:16pm
  • U wuld knot beleiv how hard it was 2 saev teh entier humaan raec from teh covin1nt and the fl00d. it took s3vral yrs of mai lief n I was left in spaec with a blue syberbitch taht cant evin give meh a fukcing handjob. srsly arbiter, remembur?

    Submitted by Masturch33f on Apr 14, 11 at 2:39am
  • Spiderman! Spiderman! does whatever a dumb ass can!

    Submitted by BrotherDarkness on Apr 13, 11 at 6:52pm
  • But I can believe how incredibly stupid you are for doing it much less bragging about it later. Can you say stalker!!!

    Submitted by Emmy88 on Apr 14, 11 at 7:56am
  • @ BrotherDarkness that's funny!

    Submitted by bee222 on Apr 13, 11 at 8:05pm
  • I sell Heating and A/C equip. explain.

    Submitted by cannabislecter on Apr 13, 11 at 11:34pm
  • F A K E

    Submitted by Sydefx on Apr 13, 11 at 9:32pm