I expect to be treated like a lady. Even If your sticking it in my ass.
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One would assume oral, vag, and anal are available. So She's once...twice...three times a lady.
That's all a girl ever really wants... a little respect with her anal.
I think i love you, sir or madame.
A girl who loves anal, u bring home to mom and dad cause that's the type of girl u marry and treat like gold. Not every girl knows she likes anal, the ones that do, R KEEPERS
ladies who don't know y-o-u-r spells YOUR don't get treated like ladies
We're past formalities when we reach Anal
Butt sex is disgusting.
Not gonna happen.
I guess ATM is no longer an option??
ATM is always an option.
likeahoss...no comment can surpass that. Well done!!!
You're* \n\nLadies should know how to spell
sigh, wish i got this text
fuck yeah
oh you... *sigh* you will.
haha fuckin a aint dat some shit literally haha jp
My kind of lady!
Love this! !!! me 2 girl
Hey!! she is a nice lady!!
LMAO Way to keep it classy! LOLOLOL
I only stick it in ladies asses..
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