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  • @firstfirst The only person who has the right to say "first" for anything is the U.S. Navy SEAL. Who was the first person to put a bullet in that mother fucker Osama's head.

    Submitted by SchoolBusFire on May 2, 11 at 9:24pm
  • What does My Chemical Romance have to do with anything?

    Submitted by Anonymous1024 on May 2, 11 at 10:18pm
  • QueTalBitch you should be shot in the head.

    Submitted by cookiemonster23 on May 2, 11 at 11:10pm
  • How can anyone like what QueTalBitch said? Even if that was supposed to be a joke.. its not a good one at all. He had his people kill tons of OUR innocent people. Karma is the bitch that killed his ass

    Submitted by BABY_IM_BLONDE on May 2, 11 at 10:56pm
  • Troll boss alert

    Submitted by a7xisacult on May 2, 11 at 8:05pm
  • SchoolBusFire you rock and just made my day!

    Submitted by micmic5 on May 2, 11 at 9:39pm
  • Quetalbitch, please go kill yourself.

    Submitted by hannahcowgirl on May 2, 11 at 5:58pm
  • And I can tell mine this is how I found out

    Submitted by Teetilakat on May 3, 11 at 6:06pm
  • Sounds like an interesting way to hear it...

    Submitted by ThePinkKirby on Aug 14, 11 at 9:49pm
  • Fuck that raghead terrorist piece of shit. America rules and we finally got him. We finish what we start. As for those who aren't with America, feel free to fuckin' leave.

    Submitted by patton18 on May 3, 11 at 3:14am
  • The only time in my life I'd ever have the urge to hug a drag queen

    Submitted by GoodOlDave on May 3, 11 at 8:05am
  • Firstfirst is back from Grammie's house !

    Submitted by BigCrank on May 2, 11 at 9:31pm
  • Osama is gone! New objective: hunt and capture QueTalBitch for the sake of America!

    Submitted by daspazatron on May 3, 11 at 12:52am
  • Quetaibitch go kill yourself you whore

    Submitted by Jackalo731 on May 2, 11 at 8:50pm
  • First

    Submitted by firstfirst on May 2, 11 at 3:49pm
  • Second

    Submitted by SEC0NDSEC0ND on May 2, 11 at 4:19pm
  • I love you firstfirst. People hate so much. Besides, this is a terrible day today. My idol was shot in the head then became shark food. God damn fuck My Chenical Romance....

    Submitted by QueTalBitch on May 2, 11 at 4:20pm