composition of my stomach right now: 60% C8H10N4O2 * H2O (coffee), 20% CaCO3 (pepto bismol/tums), 10% HCl (stomach acid), 5% fried rice, 5% residual adderall. i can do that by percent mass too. fuck you finals.
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As a chemist I find this hilarious!!!! Well done and good luck on finals.
I thought the first compound would be cocaine C17H21NO4.
well yayo is good for studying, but i would hope the majority of that'd be in your sinuses, not your stomach
Don't talk shit. That's funny
hell yeah chemistry!! it sucks though. studying's a bitch
Now do that drunk and I'll be impressed
someone paid attention in high school chemistry class:D
wow cool freshman takin gen chem. not impressive tool come back after biochemistry
Wow, you probably had to pee reallllly bad after that.
gennnn chemmmmm!
Ya that's not that impressive
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