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  • Nothing in the back can be stained the bed is plastic, and the hospital has to wash the sheets after a linen exchange. I'll put an extra blanket on top as a splash guard and hand you a urinal. But I've never negotiated with anyone in my truck. Do what I tell you or you're getting a 14ga IV our saline lock, maybe two.

    Submitted by EMTPirate on May 9, 11 at 4:17pm
    • "Do what I tell you or you're getting a 14ga IV our saline lock, maybe two." \n\n----Wow...really professional...

      Submitted by MedicChick on May 11, 11 at 10:53am
  • I don't care what people say I kinda like EMTpirate.

    Submitted by lolly61191 on May 9, 11 at 10:32pm
  • EMTpirate, are you single?

    Submitted by mzmitchell on May 10, 11 at 3:10am
    • I am. But I doubt anyone here is 937.

      Submitted by EMTPirate on May 10, 11 at 3:42am
      • 937, as in DYT?\nHmmm. I am :) Would like to know where you currently work with all these certs that you have. Are you an instructor at any of the local colleges?

        Submitted by Shocker6987 on May 10, 11 at 9:13am
  • Emtpirate is a lowly douchebag asshole. I hope u were raped in the army.

    Submitted by McDickerson on May 10, 11 at 3:51am
  • however they didnt say you couldnt shit

    Submitted by agroupofninjas on May 9, 11 at 1:37pm
  • Remember that time when Linus van Pelt from Peanuts got alcohol poisoning and pissed in the ambulance?

    Submitted by enormoustard on May 9, 11 at 2:31pm
    • Dude... That's just wrong! It wasn't Linus, it was Lucy, and it wasn't an ambulance, it was on Schroeder's piano, because she thought it would impress him.

      Submitted by TubeSounding on May 9, 11 at 2:45pm
  • EMTpirate, you're dumb. If I was in your ambulance I'd pee on purpose and punch the shit out of you for thinking of giving me an IV with a 14 gauge needle.

    Submitted by lesbeehonest on May 9, 11 at 6:25pm
    • lesbeehonest you're dumb. punch the shit out of a EMT because he gave you a 14 gauge IV and you can have fun when they sentence you for aggravated assault on a public official

      Submitted by lolglowjoe on May 9, 11 at 6:48pm
      • I've hit someone with an oxygen bottle before I'll probably end up doing it again. My first job was Combat Medic.

        Submitted by EMTPirate on May 9, 11 at 6:51pm
  • That had to be negotiated?

    Submitted by rotflmfao on May 9, 11 at 3:35pm
  • I ask with the, same hope and joy of a child on Christmas are you the really the Daniel from Tosh.0?

    Submitted by EMTPirate on May 9, 11 at 7:41pm
  • It only takes one semester of community college to become an EMT, just saying.

    Submitted by Downtownsbrown on May 10, 11 at 10:53am
    • True, for EMT B, however there are levels EMT B, I, P, T, and then specialty certs in addition to them.

      Submitted by EMTPirate on May 10, 11 at 1:01pm
  • I'm an EMT \nTactical, Rescue Diver, ACLS, ATLS, CMAST, TCCC, and former CLS instructor. If you want to know who the big dogs are ask me, and I'll introduce you as you haven't met them.

    Submitted by EMTPirate on May 9, 11 at 8:51pm
    • Meant to reply to ParamedicGal oops

      Submitted by EMTPirate on May 9, 11 at 8:53pm
    • I want to know who the big dogs? Does Ohio recognize ATLS...wasn't aware try did.

      Submitted by Shocker6987 on May 10, 11 at 9:16am
      • That was Army. Getting into training is much easier.

        Submitted by EMTPirate on May 10, 11 at 12:03pm
        • And All of my AHA training transfered without issue, Unit training, and National Registry training required reciprocity training to be accepted in Ohio and not everything transfered.

          Submitted by EMTPirate on May 10, 11 at 12:19pm
  • Yeah I like EMTpirate too.

    Submitted by dareangel4 on May 10, 11 at 11:47pm
  • I have to say I Iike the pirate too...

    Submitted by Dj_benito on May 10, 11 at 1:45am
  • EMTPirate, hullo...currently in the army here... Just have to say, you're making all of us active duty peeps look bad while you spit out your certs and bragging. Sure, be proud of what you've accomplished, but try to remain professional. It'll help us out.

    Submitted by rikie83 on Jun 18, 11 at 8:32pm
  • First to say first!

    Submitted by Daniel_Tosh on May 9, 11 at 1:49pm
  • EMTpirate, nobody likes know-it- alls, guys who think they know shut but talk out their ass or guys who need to throw around their supposed accomplishments. Each one of these guys is a douchebag. You are all three. Congratulations! You're a third degree douchebag.

    Submitted by patton18 on May 10, 11 at 8:03pm
  • Gosh telling people all of my credentials gives me such an e-hardon

    Submitted by pey0te on May 10, 11 at 11:27am
  • Dear EMT, Nobody gives a shit that you were in the Army and supposedly did all those jobs. If you weren't such a shitbag you would keep that to yourself anyways. I don't usually comment but people like you who brag about their job piss me and many others off. Stfu

    Submitted by bigkahuna7790 on May 10, 11 at 12:04am
  • Seriously EMTpirate, develop a sense of humor... You're gonna need it when you run with the big dogs!

    Submitted by ParamedicGal on May 9, 11 at 7:56pm
    • I have a sense if humor. I already ran with the big dogs (Army) and everything civilian side is easier.

      Submitted by EMTPirate on May 9, 11 at 8:32pm
  • EMT, how much time did you spend in the Army? And how long is the School for becoming a CMT? I'm kind of interested because I'm a few months away from Marine basic, and I'm looking at some different MoS fields.

    Submitted by SeishinKitsune on May 13, 11 at 12:19am
  • A grown man that brags to 16 year olds about his job. Its ok dude, you might seem cool to a teenager.

    Submitted by Downtownsbrown on May 12, 11 at 11:01pm
  • it sounds a lot like ur all 17 or younger. let's try this. ur mother takes it in the ass and ur a piece of shit.

    Submitted by paulerd on Sep 19, 11 at 6:46pm
  • fuck you emtpirate

    Submitted by thebatman on May 10, 11 at 3:46am
  • Or: "Please don't pee in the back of the ambulance. We'll pull the truck over for you and let you step outside and pee."

    Submitted by blb2650 on May 12, 11 at 6:27am
  • I've been waiting so long for someone to finally call out EMT pirate for his bullshit. Woooo...congratulations on being an EMT. I bet the doctors at the ER don't even have to give you orders bc you already know what to do. Your vast knowledge of very little is harmful to others bc they think you actually know something. Congrats on being a total douche...

    Submitted by EMTPiratehater on May 10, 11 at 12:03pm
    • Keep trollin trollin. You realize there are didn't levels of EMT, right. EMT B, I, P, T? Go get EMT P, or T in a semester.

      Submitted by EMTPirate on May 10, 11 at 12:21pm
  • Not posting where I work on a website full of trolls. I am not an instructor as those folks are doctors. Also Sinclair has no tactical EMS program.

    Submitted by EMTPirate on May 10, 11 at 12:36pm
  • wow... this emtpirate sounds like half the ppl in my fh. minus we aren't in Ohio

    Submitted by girlyemt1128 on Sep 19, 11 at 7:52pm
  • @lolglowjoe \nDude. He'd get into just as much trouble for stabbing someone with a fricken fourteen gauge needle. So idc.

    Submitted by lesbeehonest on May 9, 11 at 9:33pm
    • I'd probably get chewed out. I've been chewed out before.

      Submitted by EMTPirate on May 9, 11 at 11:37pm