Odd considering Montana is one of the most conservative states and one of the few states where medical marijuana is legal. Must be all those liberals right?!? Yea. Must be.
This will get thrown out of court. You may want to go on the offensive here. If anything, the parents were not supervising and the child was delinquent in behavior. You could have the DA and CPS go after the parents on Child Endangerment.
I think this is being interpreted wrong. I think the girl stole a cookie from stoners, it was a "special" cookie, she went to the hospital and now her family is pressing charges because she got high from the cookie. Which in my opinion is ignorant. If she took it without asking it's her fault. No one el
Thanks for clearing up what was blatantly obvious to everyone, and what all of these other posts are in reference to. What would we have done without you?
Submitted by
on May 13, 11 at 10:21pm
i know who this is and she didn't go to the emergency room, no one is pressing charges. and who ever thinks any judge would seriously go on charges of theivery based on stealing a cookie needs to seriously figure it out.
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