No matter how drunk I am, I will take the time to wipe a pube off the toilet seat.
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oooo im so glad im not the only one who does this... :P
can never be too drunk to do that..
omg i've so done that
SAME. and I put down the toilet seat covers too. much better than i do when i'm sober
yeah me too. i always check the seat before i sit down, but usually by the end of he night there is no need to even consider sitting on the toilet seat in a bar..
ew but that is so true!
Was this me who sent this one? If not, too bloody right! xxx
me too me too me too me too!
hahaha (secretly hoping that wasn't my bathroom)
oh vomit. true. but vomit.
gross gross gross....but true....
Making room for the coke?
hahaha thank you madison =)
funniest thing ever. if i see a curly hair i have to get that shit off. if there's shit however, i leave
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