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  • Better late than never?

    Submitted by espo on Jun 26, 11 at 3:45pm
  • Sounds like my dumbass ex boyfriend

    Submitted by Pink85 on Jun 27, 11 at 7:46am
  • The first year you don't get arrested is the beginning of the end of your life. To quote Tom Petty: "You never slow down, you never grow old."

    Submitted by ringo420 on Jun 27, 11 at 12:33am
  • Pathetic.

    Submitted by Topanga053 on Jun 27, 11 at 9:17pm
  • Wow, welcome to adulthood.

    Submitted by soccer360 on Jun 26, 11 at 3:19pm
  • Time for mom to let you spend the night in jail.

    Submitted by sdpq1 on Jun 27, 11 at 10:58pm
  • Firstly, not knowing the context of these texts is usually what makes them funny.\n\nSecondly, there was only one year I got arrested, and it happened to be unrelated to the fact it was my birthday. \n\nThirdly, I made it through the night w/o going to jail, luckily. \n\nSincerely, \nOriginal Poster

    Submitted by katnkc on Jun 28, 11 at 8:09am
  • Forever criminal.

    Submitted by HoHoHoeYo on Jun 26, 11 at 10:28pm