He wears a hat. All the time. Even during sex. And I'm okay with that.
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I could totally handle that. But only if he was wearing a top hat.
Is it yellow and does he have a pet monkey?
It called a "yamaka."
He's probably balding and looks like bozo without a hat on...
Yeah he's prob not attractive w it off, continue to have him keep it on
Who's that? Indiana Jones?
So drink your gin and tonica, and smoke your marijuanika
That can be hot as fuck on the right guy
Yes, but are you okay with balding?
I'm ok with that too some guys just look better with hats on
He's got fucking Voldemort hidden under there.
I've been there, my ex boyfriend was bald, and self-conscious. We dated for 3 months and I've only seen him without a hat once... On accident
On That 70's Show, Kelso had a dream where he had sex with a hat on.
Fred Durst?
rock of love??
IDCCR7, you are my hero.
Sounds like something I did recently
Was the guy named Naked Dan?
Respect The Hat.
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