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  • I think you should drink every time she talks about "Jeffery."

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 27, 09 at 8:59pm
  • dude what about mayo? she uses so much fuckin mayo

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 27, 09 at 8:42pm
  • that show is a drinking game.

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 29, 09 at 9:55pm
  • or "garden" I have heard enough about that fucking garden.

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 27, 09 at 9:56pm
  • omg how did you know my secret game.

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 27, 09 at 12:43pm
  • THIS. IS. AMAZING. i fucking LOVE you, chicago!

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 29, 09 at 11:18am
  • HAHAAHAHHAHAHAHHHAHA all she ever makes is roasted chicken and chocolate ganache it should be a shot every time she says "how bad can that be?" and a double shot every time she hooks one of her guests in with that elbow of hers and makes them talk 2 inches from her faceeeee

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 28, 09 at 1:37pm
  • I've done that except when everytime she says "perfect"

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 16, 09 at 1:02pm
  • LOL to 4:16! Drink away :)

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 28, 09 at 2:42am
  • So what do the rules say about her using a knife to cut butter? Is that a double shot?

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 27, 09 at 12:22pm
  • you should do a double shot everytime she says "how easy is/was that"

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 27, 09 at 12:31pm
  • Lmfao, this is absolutely brilliant, this makes me WANT to watch this show...

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 27, 09 at 4:32pm
  • I may just found a way to be around my mother--she loves this show!

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 27, 09 at 4:16pm
  • How about every times she wheezes?

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 27, 09 at 5:39pm
  • 1:27, I was about to say exactly that. Every other fucking episode.

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 28, 09 at 2:04am
  • definitely drink everytime she uses the word "good" infront of something. half a tablespoon of olive oil. good olive oil.

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 28, 09 at 12:00am
  • How about when she says "mmm" and when she has another man over while her husband is away.

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 27, 09 at 5:17pm
  • Haha. And that woman uses a lot of salt. Fo sho.

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 27, 09 at 5:01pm
  • too true, 3:09. i think barefoot contessa is half-soused in every episode.

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 28, 09 at 8:33am
  • wow that's a lot of drinking. i need to try this.

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 27, 09 at 12:45pm
  • 5:17 and 8:59 HAHAHAHAHAH

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 28, 09 at 12:17am
  • i love this... i'm going to play

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 27, 09 at 12:04pm
  • see you in the hospital... thats some seriousss shit

    Submitted by stefanathon on May 23, 10 at 9:17am
  • BAHAHAh i am so proud...

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 28, 09 at 5:55pm
  • I may be ruining the parade, but how do they put her after Giada? It's like running a toyota camry after a ferrari. Not fair.

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 28, 09 at 3:09am