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  • Wait a month. Tell him you're pregnant and you weren't on the pill cause you already had an abortion and it works on every unwanted pregnancy from now on, doesn't it? Continue calling him "daddy" and talking bout baby stuff for a month.

    Submitted by lgm on Aug 17, 11 at 3:42pm
  • gotta give him credit for trying!

    Submitted by monica05 on Aug 19, 11 at 6:40am
  • It is to him.

    Submitted by Michguy on Aug 18, 11 at 6:52pm
  • Hes the only one whos got a down side though... I say go for it. Youre teaching him a life lesson.

    Submitted by IfSheSpinsFast on Aug 17, 11 at 1:16pm