My mom just got knocked over by a rollerblader. I'm trying not to laugh, bc my family looks pretty concerned
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rollerblading in public never ends well
"Oh, 'Mom Arrives with Cake.'" YouTube
see if shes ok then laugh damnit! i know i would.
I would soooo die laffing after i knew she was cool...hahahahahahahaha
hahahaha i would laugh too
hahaha yesssss morris county
Laughing would of been my first reaction.... I'm bad at sisuations like that haha
LOLLL i legit lol'd!
good work north jerz
hahah fucking rollerbladers
Thats the worst, because you feel so bad for laughing but its SO GODDAMN FUNNY!
This is funny because that's happenned to all of us. I would've laughed
Uhh 3:19 I do and I'm 18 so stfu
hahaahha also, just watched that video, 9:30,- epic
Im just wondering who rollerblades after the age of 15. And after 1990.
Ohh your 18 well that makes u totally cool.
I always laugh at inappropriate times when people get hurt...I cant help it.
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