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  • We are all grateful you can't reproduce.

    Submitted by SoMuchStupidity on Sep 25, 11 at 6:23pm
  • This guy will catch an STD soon enough...The sound of karma will even be heard when his penis falls off and hits the ground :-D

    Submitted by kimistry on Sep 25, 11 at 3:39pm
  • Since when is doing anything sexually against a girls wishes funny? This is inappropriate and in bad taste.

    Submitted by KatieRoseAngel on Sep 25, 11 at 8:33pm
    • Yeah, last i checked this could actually be considered sexual assault. The law states that if at ANY TIME, your sexual partner tells you to STOP what you are doing, you either stop or you are considered e committing a sexual offense.

      Submitted by xoheartinohioxo on Sep 26, 11 at 4:38am
      • ^ uhh yeah 10-4, we've got a couple of buzz killingtons here, over.

        Submitted by bulllwinkle on Sep 26, 11 at 2:30pm
        • Yeah. 10-4. We have a misogynist sexual assault apologist here. Sorry I didn't get the memo that sexual assault was funny.

          Submitted by misaki on Mar 28, 12 at 4:32pm
  • Vasectomies aren't always effective. Selfish A-hole

    Submitted by daisy_dukeluke on Sep 25, 11 at 4:34pm
  • Stupid and likely a fake post from a virgin.

    Submitted by JJdoggie on Sep 25, 11 at 3:19pm
  • I don't see how doing something against a girl's will (especially sexually) is funny.

    Submitted by haleycomet on Sep 25, 11 at 11:37pm
  • This is the definition of ass.

    Submitted by Pavi on Sep 25, 11 at 4:03pm
  • you are a horrible person

    Submitted by actualirishpple on Sep 25, 11 at 6:49pm
  • I can't wait for you to post another one of these about the girl who punches you in the throat for doing that.

    Submitted by cameltoekim on Sep 26, 11 at 12:55am
  • So all your comments suggest that you think pulling out is actually effective...

    Submitted by Nero905 on Sep 25, 11 at 5:30pm
  • You sir, are an asshole.

    Submitted by culuriel on Sep 25, 11 at 7:40pm
  • Wow you are a dick oh and it's gonna fall off as the snip snip doesn't protect you or them from disease you dumb ass.

    Submitted by likeaboss77 on Sep 25, 11 at 9:27pm
  • Yes, you can still cum. It's only to prevent the swimmers, but isn't always one hundred % effective....

    Submitted by mustangman07 on Sep 25, 11 at 4:36pm
  • What a douchebag.

    Submitted by run4ever on Sep 25, 11 at 5:41pm
  • Douche.

    Submitted by scarab on Sep 25, 11 at 9:03pm
  • You're a dick. Like others said, glad you can't reproduce

    Submitted by tayacb on Sep 25, 11 at 10:53pm
  • Wait till it grows back. It's been known to happen.

    Submitted by GetOffMyLawn on Sep 25, 11 at 4:39pm
  • If you were one of the people he's done this to REPORT HIM, if not to the cops, then to your friends so they know not to touch him with a barge pole. is a good start in engaging in inoculation against people like this.

    Submitted by Maharetr on Sep 26, 11 at 7:36am
  • i was concieved after my dads snip snip... just sayin.

    Submitted by kfitzpatrick423 on Sep 26, 11 at 10:59pm
  • Idiot. Hope they give you crabs.

    Submitted by TamiTaylor on Sep 26, 11 at 2:05am
  • Yeah, sexual assault is super funny. It's fucking terrifying how many people up-voted this.

    Submitted by ravennation on Sep 27, 11 at 11:44am
  • Asshole

    Submitted by redhead07 on Sep 26, 11 at 11:45am
  • He has never been laid, I am glad he can't reproduce.

    Submitted by seidel182 on Sep 25, 11 at 6:29pm
  • Disgusting.

    Submitted by princessangry on Sep 25, 11 at 11:43pm
  • aids will love you forever.....well almost

    Submitted by PHD1026 on Sep 27, 11 at 4:50am
  • This guy never had any balls to snip. Fuckwad.

    Submitted by BrendanA on Sep 26, 11 at 2:30pm
  • 301-Southern Maryland. This doesn't surprise me one bit.

    Submitted by ShakeyDNB on Sep 26, 11 at 6:40am
  • Clearly someone has mommy issues

    Submitted by natperks on Sep 26, 11 at 10:56am
  • Asshole

    Submitted by pilotenrique on Sep 28, 11 at 12:03am
  • lmao this guy is a misogynistic fuck.

    Submitted by misaki on Sep 26, 11 at 12:29pm
  • Haha this is why I like vagina

    Submitted by lesbeehonest on Sep 26, 11 at 4:27pm
  • Is the OP Chas Bono?

    Submitted by porksword on Sep 25, 11 at 6:17pm
  • the doctor should've castrated you so there's a one hundred percent chance you can't reproduce. and so no woman can/has to have sex with you. sadistic bastard.

    Submitted by danndann on Sep 30, 11 at 1:39am
  • I've been reading TFLN for a cpl years now, and this is the first text that has genuinely offended me. You will be reported for sexual assault, and you will be jailed, hopefully before you infect anyone with aids you dick. \nThat is if this is even real. Let's hope not. They usually don't grant the snip to young men not in a committed relationship, unless there's a reason you shouldn't reproduce, and that's an ethical sink hole so usually they won't at all. \nI hope you grow up

    Submitted by Fungus08 on Sep 28, 11 at 9:58am
  • This dude is the man! thumbs down if you agree!

    Submitted by YooRip3 on Oct 5, 11 at 12:41pm
  • Made my day, bitches gonna bitch

    Submitted by RalphPootawn on Oct 6, 11 at 5:33pm
  • i REALLY hope he has an std by now..

    Submitted by a_dream_traceur on Oct 2, 11 at 4:25pm
  • Hey, Issues.

    Submitted by Lifeafter2am on Sep 27, 11 at 10:50am
  • This shit is funny I dont care how wrong or against the law it is! And I'm a girl!

    Submitted by itswhatevs on Oct 18, 11 at 10:38am
  • Funny but so effed up--that's a true douche bag. And to the person above, yes you can still cum! WTF! Ever heard the term shooting blanks?!?

    Submitted by brucers on Sep 25, 11 at 10:11pm
  • Are you kidding me?

    Submitted by mcel0052silver45 on Oct 15, 13 at 4:14pm
  • smh at these 13 year olds posting this fake shit.

    Submitted by bandkid27 on Sep 29, 11 at 5:52pm
  • LOL porksword!

    Submitted by wubbazugg on Sep 26, 11 at 1:03am
  • How many guys get f'kd over by women all the time. Hell read tfln and you'll see alot of txt about women cheating on their men, being outright kunt's to men, sleeping with their friends or breaking up and being bitches about it. How women screw mens lives over saying "it's yours" when it's not?

    Submitted by sombodysomone on Oct 10, 11 at 7:33pm
  • The girl deserves it for letting you fuck her without a condom in the first place! You sound disgusting, since you like to mistreat girls and fuck multiple people without protection. They should have just snip-snipped your dirty little dick instead.

    Submitted by dericky on Oct 7, 11 at 2:10pm
  • You sir are my hero.

    Submitted by Micho523 on Sep 25, 11 at 7:37pm
  • Wow. Shit just got real!

    Submitted by gangsterbarbie on Oct 1, 11 at 4:31am
  • Fuck this guy with a toaster oven

    Submitted by nilesf1 on Nov 1, 14 at 9:39pm
  • Also, withdrawal is fairly effective when done correctly. Check planned parenthood website. 4% of women will become pregnant in a year IF their partners do it correctly. 27% chance in a year if done incorrectly.

    Submitted by tayacb on Sep 25, 11 at 10:59pm
  • Wrong...but funny!

    Submitted by grindonME on Sep 26, 11 at 10:57am
  • haha well i thought it was funny

    Submitted by frup on Sep 27, 11 at 8:02am
  • Any woman who is upset with this, this is karma for all the women who fake a pregnancy. Just mad cause the playing field is now leveled.

    Submitted by dirt_diver on Sep 26, 11 at 2:26pm
  • 2200 men said good night, 4000 women said no.\nwell, How many guys get f'kd over by women all the time. Hell read tfln and you'll see alot of txt about women cheating on their men, being outright c unt's to men, sleeping with their friends or breaking up and being bitches about it. How women screw mens lives over saying "it's yours" when it's not? \nNotice, that the women he slept with CHOSE to have sex without him wearing a condom. Judge the woman not the man.

    Submitted by sombodysomone on Oct 10, 11 at 7:39pm
  • Everybody bashing this guy is retarded. That's funny as hell.

    Submitted by EatmeTwice on Sep 25, 11 at 7:17pm
    • So i guess it would be fucking hilarious if some dipshit did this to one of your female friends or relatives??

      Submitted by xoheartinohioxo on Sep 26, 11 at 4:40am
    • Yes. Because sexual violence against women is totally a hilarious thing! \n\nGo fuck yourself, it'll be the only action you'll be getting for a long time if you have this attitude against women.

      Submitted by misaki on Sep 26, 11 at 12:33pm
  • EPIC!!!!!

    Submitted by JS1987 on Sep 25, 11 at 10:10pm
  • This is awesome.

    Submitted by crnbrdfrts on Sep 26, 11 at 12:39am
  • This is funny I do it anyway even without surgery

    Submitted by stumpy2069 on Sep 26, 11 at 12:11pm
    • Ahhh, so you let some girl freak out and risk getting pregnant for your own amusement? What happens if she becomes pregnant? You're going to be totally financially responsible for that child when you're probably a broke asshole. \n\nAlso, you have sexually assaulted many women. Hope you can live with that!! Misogynistic dick.

      Submitted by misaki on Mar 29, 12 at 3:08pm
  • Wait you can still cum after the surgery?

    Submitted by XxVVIREDxX on Sep 25, 11 at 4:29pm
    • Ok let me play the devils's TV funny...not reality funny. \nThink of all the romantic comedies or comedies you've seen, none of that's actually funny, most of it is cruel, unless of course it's on screen.\nI can totally see this as a scene in another shitty American Pie movie.

      Submitted by Phyllis on Sep 26, 11 at 1:06pm