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  • Comparing yourself to the ex is always a losing proposition....

    Submitted by smr167 on Oct 21, 11 at 9:18am
  • Never paying for your drinks makes you pathetic, not impressive

    Submitted by jokesssss on Oct 21, 11 at 1:25pm
  • Nope, you got me on that one. Your teeth and ego are bigger than their's too. Oh, and did I mention ass and thighs?

    Submitted by scarab on Oct 21, 11 at 9:45am
  • Looks like that investment is paying off well for you...

    Submitted by Phys on Oct 21, 11 at 9:32am
  • how drunk you get every single night depends on which push up bra you're wearing? naw.. I'd rather just pay for my own drinks.

    Submitted by ckb71 on Oct 21, 11 at 11:56am
  • You'll have a great wake up call @ 26, that's when gravity sets in.

    Submitted by untameableshrew on Oct 21, 11 at 10:37am
  • $20 says you have never been drunk.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 11 at 4:24pm
  • He'll be more impressed if you buy yourself a long island and offer to get his next beer, honey.

    Submitted by raylealadee on Oct 21, 11 at 7:11pm
  • BOOBIES!!!

    Submitted by porksword on Oct 21, 11 at 4:20pm
  • How did her phone autocorrect blowjays to boobs?!

    Submitted by sofuckoffright on Oct 21, 11 at 7:39pm
  • ...I want to say slut...but I dont know how much you drink....

    Submitted by GA_Peach on Oct 21, 11 at 9:16am
  • And how much do you drink?

    Submitted by kindahigh on Oct 24, 11 at 12:47am
  • Mine are fantastic!

    Submitted by LuvvyBoo on Oct 22, 11 at 1:39am