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  • If it makes you feel any better, if you die, your parents are not responsible for paying your student loans. The loans are forgiven if you die.

    Submitted by Lexifer on Oct 23, 11 at 10:58pm
  • You guys need some brains: a living will says what you want the hospital to do if you become comatose or reliant on life support. That's depressing. So is dying and only leaving 25k worth of debt behind.

    Submitted by sevensevenseven on Oct 23, 11 at 7:11pm
  • A living will doesn't "leave" anything to anyone dipshit.

    Submitted by W_T_F on Oct 23, 11 at 11:23am
  • An advanced directive is what tells the medical staff what to do with you in case you become unable to make those decisions yourself. A living will is giving stuff to people. They were likely filling out an advanced directive.

    Submitted by dannelle29 on Oct 24, 11 at 9:23am
  • Actually Chris, I think WTF was right. Why else would OP say he/she had to "put together" a living will? You don't put one together. You put an actual will together...

    Submitted by wildcatsbabe527 on Oct 23, 11 at 2:47pm
  • Isn't a living will to decide if or not to keep a person on life support,,,

    Submitted by junie519 on Oct 23, 11 at 10:54pm
  • two 814 texts in a row..

    Submitted by ckb71 on Oct 24, 11 at 12:01am