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  • I hate this generation.

    Submitted by seanathon on Oct 24, 11 at 10:11pm
  • Any relationship that involved with facebook is probably doomed to begin with.

    Submitted by tg03 on Oct 24, 11 at 4:00pm
    • In this day and age Facebook tends to be involved in just about any relationship. Not that it's a rule, but it's far too common for your point to be a rule. Though typing this I do realize that of late people are citing Facebook more and more as the reason for divorce. People are insecure and Facebook capitalizes on that.

      Submitted by MD86 on Oct 25, 11 at 3:52am
  • Yes... All relationships are based by the ever important facebook. Its not real until its posted on there. Ugh.

    Submitted by LuvvyBoo on Oct 25, 11 at 12:16am
    • The thing is that as a social site that reflects ones life it's kind of rude to -never- mention or show you're in a relationship on your page if you have one.

      Submitted by MD86 on Oct 25, 11 at 3:53am
  • You can actually smell the crazy On this post

    Submitted by ck24 on Oct 24, 11 at 9:20pm
  • Creepy?

    Submitted by xandrasm on Oct 25, 11 at 1:13am
  • Stalking Creeper. Scary! Delete! Delete! Delete! (Oh, while we are at it, please delete MD86 for posting thought-provoking comments on this site. Such comments are totally unwarranted. Thanks...IAMCRAZY)

    Submitted by CrazyManNo9 on Oct 25, 11 at 8:11am
  • Just delete the facebook...stop pretending they are real friends.

    Submitted by GA_Peach on Oct 24, 11 at 5:30pm
  • Thank god they're facebook official.

    Submitted by Semperdeep on Oct 25, 11 at 12:48am
  • Ugh... If I could vote thumbs down on this again, I would.

    Submitted by bad_kitty on Oct 25, 11 at 3:53pm
  • What a cuntwhore

    Submitted by xViolentSaintx on Oct 25, 11 at 5:34pm
  • Way to make Oklahoma look like a state full of Stage 10 creepers.....

    Submitted by sarahmari90 on Dec 29, 11 at 10:22am
  • What's facebook?

    Submitted by Lemopi on Jul 10, 12 at 12:28am