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  • Glad I'm not the only one that caught the Paper Towns reference

    Submitted by demand_101 on Oct 25, 11 at 2:34pm
  • "I SEE YOU!" Ben shouted, pointing at me with the sword. "I SPY QUENTIN JACOBSEN! YESSS! Come here! Get on your knees!" he shouted.\n"What? Ben, calm down."\n"KNEES!"\nI obediently knelt, looking up at him.\nHe lowered the beer sword and tapped me on each shoulder. "By the power of the superglue beer sword, I hereby designate you my driver!"\n\nMoral of the story: Don't pretend John Green books are your life. A) You won't get the girl you wanted

    Submitted by kendae on Oct 25, 11 at 2:43pm
  • Oh hai there Quinten Jacobsen. And here I thought you were a fictional character from John Green's mind... ;)

    Submitted by GreenFlyingNacho on Oct 25, 11 at 2:28pm
  • thats from papertown dumbass.

    Submitted by thatgirl88_yeahh on Oct 26, 11 at 9:26am
  • I KNEW it was familiar! either John Green stoops low enough to look on TFLN for ideas, or we have a liar in the room... *eyes everyone suspiciously*\n\n-jaz

    Submitted by jazminechibi on Oct 25, 11 at 5:41pm
  • Our lives rock. DFTBA.

    Submitted by MusicBleeder38 on Oct 25, 11 at 9:47pm
  • Nerdfighters!!!! DFTBA :)

    Submitted by imthatchick44 on Oct 28, 11 at 5:58am
  • Fuck that I don't want to be DD

    Submitted by Nuku3T on Dec 5, 12 at 9:57am
  • I would feel honored as well, but I'd pass as the DD.

    Submitted by danicgirl on Oct 25, 11 at 2:28pm
  • Hello Paper Towns reference!

    Submitted by chxrli on Oct 24, 13 at 1:32pm