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  • So you left as a virgin do-gooder and returned as a drunk oompa loompa cum dumpster?

    Submitted by goodhead50 on Oct 31, 11 at 9:07am
  • Deduct 10 points from Gryfindor.

    Submitted by JByrd825 on Oct 31, 11 at 11:25am
  • And as illustrated by both Jersey Shore and Harry Potter, leaving anything early is usually because of a sticky situation!

    Submitted by Mercen on Oct 31, 11 at 10:19am
  • I've never heard of anyone transferring to Hufflepuff before.

    Submitted by arthurlux on Oct 31, 11 at 1:27pm
  • @goodhead: BEST EVER RESPONSE

    Submitted by bigceaze on Oct 31, 11 at 2:34pm
  • Should have been a huffelpuff

    Submitted by mik88 on Oct 31, 11 at 2:10pm
  • man, house gryffindor must have really lowered its standard.

    Submitted by polacke on Oct 31, 11 at 10:21am
  • Harry Potter and Jersey Shore both aspire to find long wands!

    Submitted by peachpie88 on Oct 31, 11 at 11:27am
  • Snooki loves smoosh smoosh

    Submitted by famas on Oct 31, 11 at 9:44am
    • dear god every time i hear that, all i can think of is a guido kyle fighting off a orange rabbit looking snook lol

      Submitted by kdogchatterbox on Oct 31, 11 at 1:28pm
      • then Matt Stone and Trey Parker have done their work well

        Submitted by Wolf32889 on Nov 2, 11 at 10:56pm
  • There's only a few possibilties: A.) Gryfindor has really lowered it's standards, B.) You were so wasted you just decided to swtich costumes with someone else who was drunk, C.) You are super screwed-up and now hated by all Harry Potter geeks or D.) you are the hero of everyone who hates Harry Potter. 'All Of the above' may or may not be an option.

    Submitted by AvaOfTheRose13 on Sep 30, 12 at 8:13pm