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  • That's some serious mind-fucking right there.

    Submitted by bigdickplaya on Nov 6, 11 at 5:18pm
  • Nah, that's the guy currently sucking your dick that you feel

    Submitted by tlovell on Nov 6, 11 at 8:04pm
  • We all know who the REAL cunt here is, but I'm gonna say it for those who don't. Fatherfigure is the cunt, not GA

    Submitted by ITS_MEEEEE on Nov 6, 11 at 11:17pm
  • gaydar is reading a 10th eh

    Submitted by reeln on Nov 7, 11 at 11:55am
  • Dah fonny

    Submitted by clairem on Nov 6, 11 at 4:14pm
  • I was going to post something rediculously juvenile...a quote from Gir from invader zim...but y'all are very sweet defending me thank you :)

    Submitted by GA_Peach on Nov 7, 11 at 6:58am
  • Impressive Dick!

    Submitted by LuvvyBoo on Nov 6, 11 at 10:21pm
  • GA Cunt, two posts in one week! Congrats!

    Submitted by fatherfigure on Nov 6, 11 at 6:37pm
    • All you guys need to leave GA Peach alone. Enough. There is a line you're crossing with all this fucking bullying. Grow up and move on.

      Submitted by LuvvyBoo on Nov 6, 11 at 10:45pm
      • "do you guys have nothing better to do than to call a cunt a cunt" to which I retort "do you guys have nothing better to do than troll every person who calls the cunt a cunt?"

        Submitted by fucksyourmother on Nov 7, 11 at 10:53pm
    • Grow up and let it go. Are you really that lonely? The only thing you have to look forward to in life is calling someone a cunt over and over on a website? Put on your big boy pants, be an adult and STOP.

      Submitted by threeoneseven on Nov 7, 11 at 6:30am
    • How in the FUCK does this have anything to do with the OP? Can't you clowns sing a song with more than one note? Get a grip. Get a life. Just get lost.

      Submitted by SnidelyKWhiplash on Nov 7, 11 at 10:38am
  • fatherfigure's name is funny. If he had children they would be in prison at 13. Quite the role model.

    Submitted by ITS_MEEEEE on Nov 7, 11 at 10:57pm