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  • Just how often do you shit yourself?

    Submitted by Intimidator1 on Nov 23, 11 at 3:12pm
  • yea unless you just jumped in front of a car and lifted a lil kid out of the way only to take the hit yourself saving the kids life but resulting in injuries that result in you shitting yourself...or something of rough equivalence then no your just a nasty bastard who shit his let us all point and laugh

    Submitted by nunubeest on Nov 23, 11 at 9:06pm
  • It's happened more than once??

    Submitted by mthib on Nov 23, 11 at 6:30pm
  • You poor bastard, ew. Hope you get your dignity back.

    Submitted by LuvvyBoo on Nov 23, 11 at 11:55pm
  • so...u shit itself a girly way?

    Submitted by D4RK_DW4RF on Nov 23, 11 at 2:51pm
  • Shitting oneself seems to be an in thing to do these days in internetland. Strange.

    Submitted by jltc on Nov 23, 11 at 3:27pm