Ann rice answers that...they have to feed first before they can screw to get the excess blood needed to get aroused..also they can't breed..the plumbing doesn't know..there dead...see good writers actually answer questions that present giant plot holes...Meyers writes at a 4TH grade level and actually needed her publishing companies to clean up her work
I was a huge vampire fan back when they were tortured damned abominations against god not Mary sue sparkling ambercrombie models...back when they sucked blood not cock
Fuck you for seeing twilight, fuck you for bringing anyone to see it, fuck you for even considering that that horrid shit could ever be enjoyed. I hate you.
rigor mortis goes away after a few hours...what you really gotta look out for are the gasses that build up during thought a queef was bad before...
He went to see a Twilight movie with you. That earns him the right to say any stupid thing he wants for at least a week. Boyfriend of the year right there.
I would firebomb that backalley abortion of a movie if it wouldn't get me the review for expressed my hate in ways I never could in well thought out arguments
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