I really don't understand the big deal. It's what a natural penis looks like. Most of the men I've been with were uncut; it feels the same and they certain known what they were doing with they "ugly" penis'
You guys do realize the mods are just trolling uncut dudes by posting all these texts about girls not wanting uncut guys? I personally think its hilarious.
I was told flat out by a dude that likes dudes that cut tastes better. Granted, that may be a matter of personal preference, but in this case I'll accept his expertise.
The dudes posting in here sound like they just need reassurance for their uncut selves. I'm cut and from every female I've talked to, they prefer it that way.
I know guys that got an adult circumcision over too many girls rejecting them as soon as pants were dropped. One just considered it an extreme piercing.
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