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  • I'm all for jokes that are actually funny but that just seems uncalled for and mean.

    Submitted by TheWingMan on Nov 28, 11 at 11:13am
  • Leave her alone...If that's floats her boat: let her float her boat!

    Submitted by peachpie88 on Nov 28, 11 at 11:43am
  • People with diabetes can't have sweet things..and I'm pretty sure they can't drink much either so this joke doesn't even make sense.

    Submitted by polariuos on Nov 28, 11 at 12:01pm
    • It's called insulin injections

      Submitted by Kevin201 on Nov 28, 11 at 1:10pm
      • No, it doesn't work like that. People with type 2 diabetes, who get it later on in life, are generally not on insulin, it's just diet and exercise, and sometimes pills to help boost your body's natural insulin and/or help your body use it's natural insulin more effectively. type1 diabetics are insulin-dependent, and get it very young. Not from being overweight. Type1's need insulin to survive. You can't just eat anything you want and take extra insulin. That would cause very dan

        Submitted by kapusta on Nov 30, 11 at 12:14am
  • I pictured a big fat tooth when I read this. Like, just a big tooth standing at the bar..

    Submitted by dericky on Nov 28, 11 at 10:09am
  • Hi I'm Wilfred Brimley, and I've got diabeetus.

    Submitted by bttrdenu on Nov 28, 11 at 1:20pm
    • did you see that diabetes documentaries wilford brimley was in "the thing"? harsh stuff

      Submitted by nunubeest on Nov 28, 11 at 1:35pm
    • nice, someone else noticed that he says ithall funny n stuff

      Submitted by effeneaves on Nov 28, 11 at 4:19pm
  • That's actually a great combination--try it

    Submitted by niceman on Nov 28, 11 at 10:09am
  • Because you make fun of fat people, you are going to end up obese, alone, and carrying the AIDS virus.

    Submitted by divedaily on Dec 1, 11 at 7:05pm
  • In France there's a drink called a Monaco. It's beer, grenadine and lemonade-it's delicious.

    Submitted by DLiaison on Nov 28, 11 at 3:46pm
    • if those surrender monkeys do it, then why the hell would i want to

      Submitted by truck27 on Nov 28, 11 at 4:53pm
  • Ruuuuude

    Submitted by devyn__k on Nov 29, 11 at 12:01am
  • Come on everyone knows fat girls don't have feelings

    Submitted by travismarkowski on Nov 28, 11 at 10:33pm
  • I would love to see u say that to her face I bet she would knock ur dumb ass out

    Submitted by richbitch19 on Feb 20, 12 at 4:04am
  • It's called candy coronas

    Submitted by richie09 on Nov 29, 11 at 12:18pm
  • I was cocktail serving and some chick asked for this and I thought it was weird but I guess someone else has heard of it

    Submitted by Kr18 on Nov 28, 11 at 12:12pm
  • Lmao. FAT. KID.

    Submitted by dynasty55 on Nov 28, 11 at 5:16pm
  • Yucky! Bad combo!

    Submitted by munchie on Nov 28, 11 at 8:21pm
  • It's nothing new. It's called candy corona. It's not worse than a spiced-coke or any other drink loaded with sugar.

    Submitted by lunesouslesoleil on Nov 30, 11 at 5:28am
  • Fucking type 2's fat bastards

    Submitted by usngoose on Nov 28, 11 at 1:37pm
  • and what were you drinking? rum and coke? just as bad u fucktard....

    Submitted by Wiscdrunk22 on Nov 30, 11 at 6:30am
  • God I hope I see your f aggot ass next time I'm in gilroy you stupid bitch... or is it Morgan hill? let me know so I can beat your ass you little punk bitch

    Submitted by MacAttack518 on Nov 29, 11 at 2:28am
  • Hahaha so great

    Submitted by Squarewheel on Nov 29, 11 at 11:34am